Friday, January 16, 2015

What We Do in the Shadows is unlike any other vampire movie

5 second plot: For the first time documentary filmmakers get a sneak peak in the life of (four) real vampires. They are all very different (one of them is 5000 years old) but get along very well. Now a new young vampire arrives on the scene and he complicates things a little bit.

5 second review: I don't think I have ever seen a vampire movie that made me laugh this hard. It's all very silly, not to be taken seriously at all but taking itself seriously from beginning till end. It's filmed in documentary style with hand held cameras but with good effects and make-up. It would have fitted better in a 30-minute short though, as an explosion of funny stuff instead of being stretched out.

IMDb score: 7,7/10
Our score: 7/10