Friday, December 3, 1993

Cronos is boooooring

5 second plot: An antiquarian stumbles upon an old artifact that can give him eternal life. But this comes at a price. And someone else is after the same device.

5 second review: Oh man, this is a stretch. There's not a lot of real story here, most of what goes on is pure filling and doesn't serve any purpose. In other words: it's very boring. And it's all a bit silly really. Sorry Guillermo. Not a fan.

IMDb score: 6,7/10
Our score: 1/10

Thursday, September 16, 1993

Seinfeld Season 5 is brilliant

5 second plot: The guys find out that women sometimes fake their orgasm. George pretends to be a marine biologist and saves a whale. Kramer spots a mannequin doll that looks just like Elaine. Jerry makes out with his girlfriend during Schindler's List.

5 second review: This fifth season is pure comedy magic. The situations they get themselves into, the shit they pull,... it's brilliant.

IMDb score: 8,9/10
Our score: 9,5/10

Friday, May 7, 1993

My Neighbor Totoro is gorgeous

5 second plot: Two little girls and their dad move to the countryside to be closer to their sick mom who is staying in a hospital nearby. Next to their house is a big forest. The girls make friends with the spirits living there.

5 second review: A beautiful story, made in gorgeous animation, filled with warm, kind and friendly people (and spirits). There is not a lot of story going on, but it’s one of those movies that just make you happy. 

IMDb score: 8,3/10
Our score: 8/10